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Website Design

Website Design | Website Development | UX Design


Your website is the centre of your online presence. It should provide a positive and memorable first impression. Visitors will assess your website in three to five seconds, deciding whether or not to proceed, so make sure it’s memorable for the right reasons.

So, what are the right reasons? Your website should:

1. Load quickly

2. Display on any device or browser that the audience is using

3. Be easy to navigate so the audience can learn about your offering and make contact with you.

4. Have clearly laid out content for the audience and search engines such as Google

5. Build trust with the audience in such a way that they want to venture deeper into your website and complete the online goals and call to actions that have been defined for the website.

These are the things that I am always questioning when I am designing and developing a website.

If you are looking to build a new website for your business or you need to give your current website a refresh, get in touch with me to find out more about your options.

These are the things that I am always questioning when I am designing and developing a website.

So if you are looking to get a new website built for your business or need your current website to be refreshed get in touch to see what the options are.
